His first Heroine (Ash) was expecting a baby and had to go on maternity leave, temporarily halting the shoot of the film. And now Madhur Bhandarkar’s lead actress is getting married, which again alters the plans for his ambitious project. Mumbai Mirror has learnt that even before the current schedule of Heroine can end, the second leg of the shoot has been rescheduled as Kareena is to wed her beau Saif Ali Khan around the same time. A friend of the director revealed to us that the second schedule, initially slated to start from the end of January, has been pushed ahead to the middle of February.
The film’s producer Siddharth Roy Kapoor of UTV, who had announced last week that the next schedule of Heroine was to commence “from the end of February to April-May” and then later stated the change in the filming dates, refrained from divulging any further details. When contacted, Bhandarkar also confirmed the change in schedule, saying, “Yes, the second schedule of Heroine will now start in the middle of February instead of the end of January.”
Bhandarkar’s friend explained, “The idea is to complete the second schedule by the middle of March instead of the end of April, so that Kareena can attend to her wedding and personal life in March and April before she returns to work in May.”
According to the director’s friend, Kareena was reluctant to take a break in the middle of the schedule for her wedding. “There is a reason why this decision has been taken. The plan is to complete the schedule, so that Kareena’s performance remains consistent and doesn’t lose the intensity the role demands amidst her wedding plans. This way she gets to enjoy her wedding and honeymoon, before resuming work,” added Bhandarkar’s friend.
The film’s producer Siddharth Roy Kapoor of UTV, who had announced last week that the next schedule of Heroine was to commence “from the end of February to April-May” and then later stated the change in the filming dates, refrained from divulging any further details. When contacted, Bhandarkar also confirmed the change in schedule, saying, “Yes, the second schedule of Heroine will now start in the middle of February instead of the end of January.”
Bhandarkar’s friend explained, “The idea is to complete the second schedule by the middle of March instead of the end of April, so that Kareena can attend to her wedding and personal life in March and April before she returns to work in May.”
According to the director’s friend, Kareena was reluctant to take a break in the middle of the schedule for her wedding. “There is a reason why this decision has been taken. The plan is to complete the schedule, so that Kareena’s performance remains consistent and doesn’t lose the intensity the role demands amidst her wedding plans. This way she gets to enjoy her wedding and honeymoon, before resuming work,” added Bhandarkar’s friend.
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